

Marching bands, music competitions and classical music, it all sounds a little bit old fashioned. However, for many people this is still a vibrant part of their live, and I’m no exception to this. At the time of writing this article, I’m very active in my local Music Association Soli, which currently hosts over 170 members. Next to being a board member, conductor and percussion player, I’m also the lead programmer of our website: soli.nl. In practice this means I’m also the main developer, but my code is actively being reviewed by other developers (also members of the association), and for new or big projects I’m often joined by these developers. We also partake in regular meetings to discuss current and future (digital) projects and requests of the board.

Over the years the site acquired multiple functionalities, which are all supporting on of the following business goals:

  • Increasing public interests/ by creating a platform for public relations
  • Further internal happiness and other business goals by simplifying internal communications and information gatherings
  • Professionalize organisation with one central planning tool
  • Increase recruitment of new members by good informing and engaging of potential members

In next iterations of this blog I’ll discuss how we approached each of these goals.