Music Association

December 2020

During the year 2020 the COVID-19 corona pandemic started, impacting many lives and businesses. This also applied to my music association Soli where all (social) activities were halted. Which also included the door-to-door collection (through hyacinths sales) that normally takes place in the winter. Due to local municipality rules, this kind of collection was no longer allowed, resulting in a significant potential financial loss.

In order to prevent the cancellation of this (and following similar) events, the board made the decision to digitize the collection. Through customization of a wordpress/woocommerce solution, I created the webstore When sales are active, inhabitants of (specified) neighboring cities can order flowers to support the association. They can select home delivery or retrieve it from one of the many mobile “stores” we stationed across the area. Of course, one can also directly donate some money through the store.

In order to ensure an easy and professional organisation I programmed a custom export functionality. Seperated by mobile store and delivery location, this created a spreadsheet with necessary information to make sure the customer got their order.

Because this system is slightly different from what one normally expects when ordering online, special care was taken to make sure that every detail was communicated completely and thoroughly to the customer. This included customization of the ordering flow, and combining this flow with multiple (automatically) customized mails. Because of the one-day window of the collection, automatically generated mails were also used to remind customers of their order selection.